Schindler’s List

17 Mar


(Oscar Schindler)

Schindler’s List movie is about Oskar Schindler, a Nazi and how he rescues thousands over Jews from the Nazi concentration camps of World War II. This movie gives me a chance to get a look into lives of World War II. At the beginning of the movie Schindler was visualized as a womanizer and he only had intention of making profit out of Jew by employing them in his factories for free. However, he did not use to his power as Nazi to destroy the Jews but instead he used it to freeing them. He spends all his money to save the Jewish people and he let people work in his factory when they asked for it, which was the only way for them to stay alive. The movie does not picture him as perfect hero as they did show his flaws from the beginning of the movie till end although he’s very generous to his workers.

Image ( Amon Goeth)

On the other hand, this movie portrays the authoritarian style of leader. It can be clearly seen in Amon Goeth, who suddenly comes out of balcony and shots innocent people in random. In a scene, he empathize a kid and let him go as the kid mentions he’s not able to clean a bathtub. This shows him as compassionate man for a moment but few seconds later he changed his mind and shoots the kid. He was portrayed exactly as an evil man that stands under Adolf Hitler’s command.

Overall Schindler’s List is about cruelty of Germans towards Jewish people without humanity.

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